Sunday, April 25, 2010

Annotated Bib

"Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving Statistics and Underage Drinking Statistics." 5 Jan. 2004. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. .
This website is a great resource. It talks about a group of mothers that are trying to do everything that they can to stop drunk drivers from driving. They have a support group for people to join and help them stop from hurting themselves and many people are them. It gives statistics on how many innocent people were killed in the past two years and so on. On average someone is killed by a drunk driver every 45 minutes all around the world. This isn’t good and these mothers are trying to stop this so no one has to go through what they went through.
"Mothers Against Drunk Driving: Funding Sources, Staff Profiles, and Political Agenda." Activist Web. 20 Apr. 2010. .
MADD began with the goal of reducing drunk driving fatalities by educating the nation about the devastation caused by drunk drivers. This website first started in 2000 and is still up and running. Mothers Against Drunk Driving has been a big success and is now changed into a $46 million organization. Reducing the problem of a hard core of alcoholics who do not respond to public appeal is what they are all about. I will use a lot of information from this site because it pretty much tells you how small this site was and how big it is now. Many people support and are in the MADD’s organization and many people volunteer to help as well. In my opinion this is a great organization that was ever started.
Rauch, W., P. Zador, E. Ahlin, J. Howard, K. Frissell, and G. Duncan. "Risk of Alcohol-Impaired Driving Recidivism Among First Offenders and Multiple Offenders. " American Journal of Public Health 100.5 (2010): 919-924. Research Library Core, ProQuest. Web. 26 Apr. 2010
In this article it talka about if you are convicted for alcoholimpaired driving traditionally it results in a license suspension."Because states consider driving a privilege and not a right, as a condition of licensure, a person is presumed to consent to chemical testing upon arrest for alcohol-impaired driving". That statement was very true and driving is a privilege. Why do people mess this up by drinking and then getting behide the wheel of a car? I really dont understand it. Next In addition to criminal proceedings, a driver is subject to administrative license suspension for failing or refusing the chemical test and if they refuse they will be arrested. Is drinking then going out to drive worth all this to people? I like this article alot because it tells what the consequences are for alcohol-impaired driving.
Koch, Kathy. "Drunken Driving." CQ Researcher 10.34 (2000): 793-808. CQ Researcher. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .
28,000 people have been killed in alcohol-related crash. In the past 20 years more people are still drinking and driving. Drunken-driving deaths dropped to a record lowered but they are still higher then what people want it to be. Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization has helped alot like i said earlier. Many states and the federal government have passed tough anti-drunken-driving legislation since 1999 to now. Nonetheless, drinking and driving remains a serious national problem but many feel now in the 2000 it has slowed. In my opinion people drinking at bars and club and wherever else shoud not be able to leave that place unless a taxi is provided.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Evaluate two online sources
This is a good source that i will most likely use in my paper. This is a website on Mother against drunk driving in our community. It talks about why people feel they can drive a car drunk, and it is because they feel impowered as a person so the want to be in control in a car so they drive and thats when accidents occur and this happens alot in college and around college. It gives many statistics on drunk drivers. This also talks about what alcohol does to the body physically and mentally. This is a really good source for my topic.
This source talks about Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and it began with the many mothers setting a goal of reducing drunk-driving traffic fatalities by educating the nation about the devastation caused by drunk drivers. Which this site is very good for my paper. It is good to show people that this is something to take serious. One night of fun isnt worth risking your life or killing someone elses and paying for it the rest of yours. Most of the mothers in this article lost a child to a drunk driver or there kid was the one and they are just trying to stop it from happening to another parent, so they wont have to go through the pain. I will use this source in my paper.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Interview with the Chief of Police

1. Mr. Capelli why did you pick to work for the police here at Yavapai?
Well I picked this job because I enjoy helping and people and I ever since I was a little boy I wanted to be a police officer. I worked for the Prescott police for about 25 years. Now I am here at Yavapai, protecting and serving is my duty.
2. How many have you given all together at this college campus?
I have given out about 8 since I have been here at Yavapai. College students need to understand that drinking at school or coming back to school, you will be caught. You don’t want to mess with me because let’s just say it won’t be pretty. Be smarter than that is what I am saying.
3. How do you try to stop drinking on campus?
Well I can’t really stop college students from making mistakes; all I can hope for is that they will make good choices. Don’t come back to the dorms because you will get caught.
4. How do you try to stop students who drink off campus, from coming back to campus?
Be smarter than that.
5. What fines do you receive when you get an MIC?
When you get an MIC of course we give you the ticket, then if you are an athlete we call your coach and let them know what happen. After that you go to court and the judge will give you community service hours and volunteer work for you first offence. Second offence you have community service and also a 600 dollar fine with possibly getting kicked out of the dorms.
6. How many complaints do you receive from elders who live around campus complaining about college parties and alcohol?
We get a few over the weeks, when we go check it out not one is ever there anymore, or we get the kids that run or hide. My advice is don’t run or hide because it gets you in worse trouble and gets me in a bad mood.
7. How do we help the community? And help students understand that drinking is a problem and it disturbs our community?
They have to make their own decisions and choices and all we hope for is that they are the right ones. As for the community we do everything we can to keep it safe.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Research Proposal

Research Proposal
Well I plan on researching college drinking. I believe lately it has been an issue on campus and off of campus. Many students are getting into trouble in college due to partying and getting busted with alcohol being minors. Not only has it been an issue in college but also in the community. Yavapai is a small community where many elderly people live rather than young adults, beside the college students. When college students go out and party and drink, not only are they being loud and drinking underage they are disturbing the older people around them. I understand that many complaints come in and that is why college students are getting busted. I know this because our assistant coach is the chief of police so he gets in on all the college action. With that being said I plain on interviewing our chief of police here at Yavapai and also getting information from our schools database. I do anticipate most of my information to come from our chief of police because he knows how to reduce that underage drinking here at school and most of all how to help the community. I picked this topic because every day I see students getting in trouble and I feel alcohol isn’t worth getting expelled from the dorms or school.

Videos on Physical Therapy

I liked this video because it talked about about how many athletes use therapy to get stronger and how athletic trainers help athletes to and that what i want to do. I like working with athletes since i am an athlete.

I like this video because these people are really here to help rehabilitate and help get people back to normal. Physical therapist love to see there patients grown and get stronger. To them it is the best feeling and i love that.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well I did an observation at Peterson’s 2 Physical Therapy. I have to say it really is different than the place in Phoenix where I went. When I was observing I noticed that there were more elderly people there rather than younger. In Phoenix I went to Physiotherapy and I believe 90% of the people that went in were athletics from different high schools and colleges. At Petersons many people were in there for knee surgeries and also hip replacements, but then again I only went for about an hour and a half. I noticed that the therapists were very friendly and they really sat there and helped everyone through all their treatment. When I went to therapy three times a week my therapist was with me until I did my exercises which at Peterson’s they never leave you unattended. Physiotherapy and Peterson’s have things in common as well such as all the machines are the same and when you first get there they start you off with heat then move on to the massage then on to stretching and last but not least the exercises you have to do. But the one thing that stood out to me the most was that at Peterson’s makes you feel like you are at home and it is nice and friendly. Going to therapy is never fun and I know this because I have been going for two years, however to be honest I believe therapy is good for your health and it helps maintain your muscle strength. Many people feel that Peterson’s doesn’t help but when I was observing the therapist really enjoy helping and making sure you are getting the full attention and making sure you get all your movement and muscle back. I enjoyed observing there.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Annotated Bib

Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition. Washington, DC: BLS, 2009. Web. 5 Apr 2010. .
This source has almost everything that I need to write my paper on. It tells me all the training I need and the qualifications to be a physical therapist. It also had the job outlook, so it will tell me how many people are planning on being a therapist and what the percent will be when I start my training. It is said that physical therapists is expected to grow by 30 percent from 2008 to 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations. Another reason why this is a good source because it tell you how much education and school you need to be a successful therapist and one of the best such as the therapist for the big athletic teams. Those are the teams I would like to work with. Last but not least it gives me the annual earnings of this occupation and the median annual wages of physical therapists were $72,790 in 2008 and are expected to increase within the next few years.

Ojha, H., R. Kern, C. Lin, and C. Winstein. "Age Affects the Attentional Demands of Stair Ambulation: Evidence From a Dual-Task Approach.” Physical Therapy 89.10 (2009): 1080-1088. Health Module, ProQuest. Web. 7 Apr. 2010.
This article explains how high the percentages of injuries are due to just normal day falls or with the extra push of sports. There is a 75% rate that all injuries are due to just falling on steps or even just falling when walking, like slipping on an object or etc. The other 25% are because of sports injuries. No the 75% occurs in elder people as to where the 25% occurs in young athletic people. In this paper researchers agreed that going to physical therapy is one of the best ways to help keep your joints and muscles healthy and strong. Also going to the gym and keeping in shape helps a lot with keeping your muscles strong. The strong they are and the healthier you are the less likely you will get an injury.

Vaillancourt, C. "Physical Rehabilitation: Evidence-Based Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention." AMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION “Physical Therapy 88, no. 8 (August 1, 2008): 973. (accessed April 7, 2010).
In this article about physical therapy talks about the different structure and languages used by Physical Therapist and there Practice. It has many different examples and recommendations for treatment on different strains, muscles, and tears. Vaillancourt has a book about physical rehabilitation, disablement models, and the Guide, and discusses the organization of the book and how it relates to the Guide. This has very good information about why therapy is good and why therapists do the things they do to help us stay and get healthy mobility.

"Physical Therapist." Career Cruising. Site License - Privacy -Career Cruising, n.d. Web. 7 Apr 2010. .
This is a great source with information on why therapy is important. If you have ever been hurt or need surgery usually the doctor sends you to therapy right away. Now many people will disagree with this and also say therapy is a waste of time but it really isn’t. Once you have surgery if the limb is not exercised and encouraged to function normally, it might not work as well as it used to if you decide not to use a therapist. “This can affect a person’s physical and mental health”. This is true and what many people don’t know is that it happens often. This did happen to me so I needed another surgery. This is way therapy is important to our health. Physical therapists help people who have been ill or injured return to a healthy life and they also help people with permanent disabilities achieve the highest possible physical function. This article goes both ways on if you don’t need surgery the alternative is to just do therapy which is also good as well.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Collected Links


This article I found on proquest and it has good information about physical therapy. It talks about what different physical therapy exercise and health education program is effective in improving the well-being and reducing the risk for injuries. Physical therapy helps rebuild muscles and helps with regaining full motion and movement with whatever you are in there for. From a personal experience I know that therapist do whatever they can to help you recover from your injury. This article will help a lot in proving my point to a few people that physical therapy does help a great deal.
I found this article on Wikipedia. This article talks about physical therapy and how it is a health care profession that provides treatment to many people. Like I said above therapist try to maintain and restore maximum movement and function throughout your body or injury. This includes if you have a tear in your shoulder, one you would need surgery then two you will have 8 months of physical therapy. Where you will swim, lift weights, stretch, and also do some stem and ultrasound to that shoulder. I know because I had surgery twice on my shoulder so I have been through this. Physical therapy is hard, not just on trying to recover and get movement back but also with health. It can be hard on their health if they stay strong and be determined to recover. That is the biggest step in Physical therapy. This is why I want to be a therapist, because I can help people and help them get there full recovery back in the muscles and bones. I enjoy helping many people.
This is a great article and has great information about therapist, such as the salary, training and qualifications that you need to the job. It also has great information on how much school and the type of education you need to get into physiology. The work environment that they practice in is mainly hospitals, outpatient clinics, and private offices that have specially equipped facilities. Many therapists say that these jobs can be physically demanding, because therapists may have to stoop, kneel, crouch, lift, and stand for long periods. Also physical therapists move heavy equipment and lift patients or help them turn, stand, or walk. I can see that being hard and demanding but I am sure they love what they do so it isn’t a big problem. I know the therapist I had loved her job. Most full-time physical therapists worked a 40-hour week; some worked evenings and weekends to fit their patients' schedules. About 27 percent of physical therapists worked part-time. This is an outstanding article with grand information to use in my paper.
This article was found on career cruising for jobs. This article talks about how many patients therapist see about and the average would be about 30 patients a day. The first time they meet with a new patient, they learn about his or her medical history, and then perform a physical examination. Once they have determined what the problem is, they design a treatment plan and discuss it with the patient. Then, over the course of several visits, they perform this treatment. One of the main treatments the therapist does involve hands-on therapy (such as soft tissue massage and joint mobilization) which is the best by the way. Or like I said before they use hot and cold packs, ultrasound, lasers, and other mechanical tools. When the physical therapists aren’t working with a patient they are most likely teaching patients there aids or even volunteers how the muscles and bones work and even how they should be stretched and worked on.