Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Annotated Bib

Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition. Washington, DC: BLS, 2009. Web. 5 Apr 2010. .
This source has almost everything that I need to write my paper on. It tells me all the training I need and the qualifications to be a physical therapist. It also had the job outlook, so it will tell me how many people are planning on being a therapist and what the percent will be when I start my training. It is said that physical therapists is expected to grow by 30 percent from 2008 to 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations. Another reason why this is a good source because it tell you how much education and school you need to be a successful therapist and one of the best such as the therapist for the big athletic teams. Those are the teams I would like to work with. Last but not least it gives me the annual earnings of this occupation and the median annual wages of physical therapists were $72,790 in 2008 and are expected to increase within the next few years.

Ojha, H., R. Kern, C. Lin, and C. Winstein. "Age Affects the Attentional Demands of Stair Ambulation: Evidence From a Dual-Task Approach.” Physical Therapy 89.10 (2009): 1080-1088. Health Module, ProQuest. Web. 7 Apr. 2010.
This article explains how high the percentages of injuries are due to just normal day falls or with the extra push of sports. There is a 75% rate that all injuries are due to just falling on steps or even just falling when walking, like slipping on an object or etc. The other 25% are because of sports injuries. No the 75% occurs in elder people as to where the 25% occurs in young athletic people. In this paper researchers agreed that going to physical therapy is one of the best ways to help keep your joints and muscles healthy and strong. Also going to the gym and keeping in shape helps a lot with keeping your muscles strong. The strong they are and the healthier you are the less likely you will get an injury.

Vaillancourt, C. "Physical Rehabilitation: Evidence-Based Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention." AMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION “Physical Therapy 88, no. 8 (August 1, 2008): 973. (accessed April 7, 2010).
In this article about physical therapy talks about the different structure and languages used by Physical Therapist and there Practice. It has many different examples and recommendations for treatment on different strains, muscles, and tears. Vaillancourt has a book about physical rehabilitation, disablement models, and the Guide, and discusses the organization of the book and how it relates to the Guide. This has very good information about why therapy is good and why therapists do the things they do to help us stay and get healthy mobility.

"Physical Therapist." Career Cruising. Site License - Privacy -Career Cruising, n.d. Web. 7 Apr 2010. .
This is a great source with information on why therapy is important. If you have ever been hurt or need surgery usually the doctor sends you to therapy right away. Now many people will disagree with this and also say therapy is a waste of time but it really isn’t. Once you have surgery if the limb is not exercised and encouraged to function normally, it might not work as well as it used to if you decide not to use a therapist. “This can affect a person’s physical and mental health”. This is true and what many people don’t know is that it happens often. This did happen to me so I needed another surgery. This is way therapy is important to our health. Physical therapists help people who have been ill or injured return to a healthy life and they also help people with permanent disabilities achieve the highest possible physical function. This article goes both ways on if you don’t need surgery the alternative is to just do therapy which is also good as well.

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