Sunday, April 25, 2010

Annotated Bib

"Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving Statistics and Underage Drinking Statistics." 5 Jan. 2004. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. .
This website is a great resource. It talks about a group of mothers that are trying to do everything that they can to stop drunk drivers from driving. They have a support group for people to join and help them stop from hurting themselves and many people are them. It gives statistics on how many innocent people were killed in the past two years and so on. On average someone is killed by a drunk driver every 45 minutes all around the world. This isn’t good and these mothers are trying to stop this so no one has to go through what they went through.
"Mothers Against Drunk Driving: Funding Sources, Staff Profiles, and Political Agenda." Activist Web. 20 Apr. 2010. .
MADD began with the goal of reducing drunk driving fatalities by educating the nation about the devastation caused by drunk drivers. This website first started in 2000 and is still up and running. Mothers Against Drunk Driving has been a big success and is now changed into a $46 million organization. Reducing the problem of a hard core of alcoholics who do not respond to public appeal is what they are all about. I will use a lot of information from this site because it pretty much tells you how small this site was and how big it is now. Many people support and are in the MADD’s organization and many people volunteer to help as well. In my opinion this is a great organization that was ever started.
Rauch, W., P. Zador, E. Ahlin, J. Howard, K. Frissell, and G. Duncan. "Risk of Alcohol-Impaired Driving Recidivism Among First Offenders and Multiple Offenders. " American Journal of Public Health 100.5 (2010): 919-924. Research Library Core, ProQuest. Web. 26 Apr. 2010
In this article it talka about if you are convicted for alcoholimpaired driving traditionally it results in a license suspension."Because states consider driving a privilege and not a right, as a condition of licensure, a person is presumed to consent to chemical testing upon arrest for alcohol-impaired driving". That statement was very true and driving is a privilege. Why do people mess this up by drinking and then getting behide the wheel of a car? I really dont understand it. Next In addition to criminal proceedings, a driver is subject to administrative license suspension for failing or refusing the chemical test and if they refuse they will be arrested. Is drinking then going out to drive worth all this to people? I like this article alot because it tells what the consequences are for alcohol-impaired driving.
Koch, Kathy. "Drunken Driving." CQ Researcher 10.34 (2000): 793-808. CQ Researcher. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .
28,000 people have been killed in alcohol-related crash. In the past 20 years more people are still drinking and driving. Drunken-driving deaths dropped to a record lowered but they are still higher then what people want it to be. Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization has helped alot like i said earlier. Many states and the federal government have passed tough anti-drunken-driving legislation since 1999 to now. Nonetheless, drinking and driving remains a serious national problem but many feel now in the 2000 it has slowed. In my opinion people drinking at bars and club and wherever else shoud not be able to leave that place unless a taxi is provided.

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